Work on Line 4 will start in 2 directions

The great legacy that governor Sergio Cabral wants to leave for the Olympics in 2016 – Line 4, which will take the Metro up to the Barra da Tijuca — should become real next March. But this still depends on a meeting, scheduled for January 13, with President Lula and his staff. Confident, the governor has announced the big news: the work will start simultaneously from General Osório Station to Nossa Senhora da Paz in Ipanema, and Barra, in the direction of Gávea.

The work will start simultaneously, but only a few stations will be inaugurated until 2014. The connection of Line 4 with Line 1 will be completed in 2016. According to Cabral, the meeting that will define investments for 2016 will take place immediately after the “PAC da Mobilidade” meeting for the 2014 World Cup, which will gather the 12 participating cities.

“Among the presentations that we will make to President Lula, the most important are sanitation and Line 4. These are the major demands that the state will make to President Lula, looking to the World Cup and the Olympics. Part of these investments will come from the federal budget, part of the state and another part will come from the funding, said the governor.

The state government’s proposal provides funds of US$ 870 million for the completion of the sanitation works in the state until the 2014 World Cup: “Since the beginning of time, Rio treated 2,500 liters of sewage per second, in secondary treatment. In three years, we rose for five thousand and our expectation is reaching in 2014 with 3 billion liters per second in secondary treatment.

Cabral also said that the state has renegociated the concession with SuperVia, which is committed to reform its 180 trains and stations.

With pride, the governor noted that no other state in the world has had a calendar of events such as Rio will have in 2011 to 2016: – Rio held the Pan, was chosen as holding one of the Seven Wonders of the Contemporary World, the Jesus Christ statue. Was elected as the most desired gay destination and chosen by Forbes for the happiest people in the world. For the next few years, Rio will host the World Military Games, the Confederations Cup in 2013, the World Cup in 2014 and its finals, and will host the  2016 Olympics. “This means a lot to our self-esteem”.

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