Most of the almost US$ 10 billion funds aimed at logistic infrastructure, which is a sector directly related to the transportation area, will be invested by the government in the road modal (US$ 7.3 billion, equivalent to 75%). The projects include works for adequacy, construction, maintenance and recovery of roads, in addition to studies and investments in weighing and speed control systems.
The railroad sector, including the High Speed Rail (HSR) connecting the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Campinas, should receive 16% of the total funding (US$ 1,6 billion). The remaining sectors (ports, waterways and airways) should receive US$ 523 million, US$ 174 million and US$ 17 million, respectively. Other US$ 87 million will be aimed at PAC management.
Total balance
- Investimentos, projetos e desafios da CCR na mobilidade urbana
- O projeto de renovação de 560 km de vias da MRS
- Da expansão da Malha Norte às obras na Malha Paulista: os projetos da Rumo no setor ferroviário
- TIC Trens: o sonho começa a virar realidade
- SP nos Trilhos: os projetos ferroviários na carteira do estado
The total investments provisioned in PLOA for 2012 amount to US$ 96 billion – US$ 34 billion from the fiscal and social security budgets and US$ 62 billion from state-owned companies. The total amount is 8.3% greater than that available in 2011. To make the estimations, the government used estimations, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 5%, inflation of 4.8% and interest rate of 12.5%.
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