CBTU Will Study the Viability of a LRV in Natal

Francisco Colombo, president of the Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos (CBTU), committed himself today (10/31) to presenting a technical study for expanding the Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) project for other cities in the Natal metropolitan region (NMR) during a hearing required by federal deputy Fátima Bezerra (PT) at CBTU.

The original project, budgeted at US$ 77.14 million and presented by Rio Grande do Norte state government to the Transport Ministry, addresses modernizing the fleet and recovering railroad tracks and arrival and departure terminals of the stretch that connects Ribeira to Nordelândia, in Natal.

Fátima Bezerra is attempting to include Parnamirim, Ceará-Mirim, Extremoz, São José de Mipibu and Nísia Floresta in the project. She is addressing the subject through meetings with minister Miriam Belchior (Planning) and Mário Negromonte (Cities), in addition to participating in public hearing and promoting seminars in Natal.

“Since I joined the company, Fátima has fought hard to ensure that the LRV system actually takes place. I am a witness of the efforts she has made for Natal and its neighboring cities. We need you all to help with this effort”, Colombo stressed during the meeting. “We need to be committed to performing the viability study and finishing it by the end of the year.”

Rio Grande do Norte CBTU superintendent Erly Bastos, representatives of the cities of Ceará-Mirim, Extremoz, São José de Mipibu, São Gonçalo do Amarante and Parnamirim, as well as state deputy Fernando Mineiro (PT) and George Câmara (PCdoB), city councilman and president of the Natal metropolitan region Common Parliament also participated in the public hearing meeting,

Fátima Bezerra’s idea is that, with the viability study in hand, this will cause new public hearings with the Ministries of Cities and Planning and, with support from the MRN mayors and the state government, will also pressure the federal government to provide financial resources that allow the project to take place.

“The Natal metropolitan region has a high population density and a saturated roadway network. The population that daily uses what we affectionately call the “Sticking Train” needs more modern transportation options. We also have to think about urban mobility for the 2014 World Cup and offer adequate infrastructure for use of the São Gonçalo do Amarante Airport,” Fátima Bezerra argues.

The 2010 Census showed that the Natal metropolitan region grew by 20.12% in the last ten years – the population of Parnamirim has more than doubled during this period. The federal deputy argues that the lack of an impact intervention exacerbates the deteriorating quality of life of citizens and contributes to a reduction of local economic growth.

Parliament members Mineiro and George Câmara haven’t yet prepared the standard support requirement for the Legislative Assembly and Municipal Government elections in the Natal metropolitan region.

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Fonte: Tribuna do Norte

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