LLX finishes studies of railroad in the Super-Port of Açu

During a conference call conducted for presentation of 2011 results, one of the highlights presented by LLX (LLXL3) was the conclusion of the technical studies for re-qualification of the railroad that will connect the Super-Port of Açu to the Ambaí region, Nova Iguaçu, state of Rio de Janeiro.

In August 2011, the Company signed with FCA (Ferrovia Centro-Atlântica) railroad a memorandum of agreement for these studies, which were completed in December last year, according to Otávio Lazcano, CEO of the company. “LLX and FCA are committed to each other. We are already discussing with the Federal and State governments to achieve legal approval for the project,” said Lazcano.

The existing section, with approximately 350 km, requires investments and is the initial part of Transcontinental (EF 354) railroad. The railroad section will connect the Super-Port of Açu to the national railroad network, which concentrates near 75% of the Brazilian GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

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