The Transport Minister Paulo Sérgio Passos said today (June 5) that the edict creating the Empresa de Transporte Ferroviário de Alta Velocidade S.A. (Etav) is ready and should be published at any time.
The minister also confirmed that the company’s CEO will be Bernardo Figueiredo, former director-general of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT – Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres), who had his reappointment to the position rejected by the Senate in March.
Etav is the state-owned company that will oversee the execution of the infrastructure works and deployment of the high speed rail that will connect Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Campinas. The next step, according to the minister, will be the conclusion of the notice to bid for the auction. “Now we have to see the completion of the studies that we were developing.”
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The auction of the high speed rail is expected to occur in the end of the year. The bidding has been postponed three times due to lack of interested parties. In early July, after an auction without submitted proposals, the bidding of the project was divided into two steps: the first one will define the technology and the operator of the bullet train, and the second will select the company responsible for building the project.
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