The metro of Porto Alegre will have the technical cooperation of the state government of São Paulo, responsible for implementing and managing this type of transportation in the state capital, where the service is used daily by 7.2 million passengers. The partnership was submitted by mayor of Porto Alegre, José Fortunati, in a meeting with Secretary of Metropolitan Transport, Jurandir Fernandes, and the CEO of Companhia do Metropolitano – Metrô, Peter Walker.
We are seeking cooperation with São Paulo, especially in engineering and operation areas, the mayor said in a statement. The intention is to create a permanent exchange of information, seeking the expertise and knowledge accumulated by the São Paulo government. We must learn the lessons from someone who have already accomplished this important work, in order to streamline processes and minimize problems that may arise during the implementation of the metro.
In the areas of cooperation, topographical, geological and interference studies are planned, in addition to the completion of executive projects, execution of the metro tunnel works, and installation of systems such as telecommunications, hydrosanitary, signaling and control.
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Besides the consistent database that we immediately will give to Porto Alegre, we will progress seeking to ensure a closer monitoring of the project, exchanging ideas, experiences and technologies, Jurandir Fernandes said. The details and the formalization of the partnership will be discussed between the agencies in the coming weeks.
The Metro of Porto Alegre is based on a model of integration with BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system and the Metropolitan Train (Trensurb), being a structuring action not only for the capital, but for the entire Metropolitan Area. With extension of 14.88 km, Phase 1 of the metro deployment will have 13 stations, distributed between the Historical Center and Fiergs, in the North Zone.
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