Access to Baixada Santista will have $ 300 million

The federal government and government of the State of São Paulo and Santos Mayor Hall will perform a threefold investment of $ 300 million in road accesses to the Baixada Santista. O Valor had in advance that the secretary of Transportation of the State of São Paulo, Saulo Ramos, met with the ministry of the Ports, Leônidas Cristino, in Brasília on this Tuesday, to define a conjunction action for facing today’s largest funnel to access the port of Santos. But the investment amount was estimated on this Wednesday by the governor Geraldo Alckmin, during visit to Santos to open the works of the Light Railroad Vehicle (VLR). Each sphere will take the charge of one third of investment. There is no expected date for the invitations to bid to be launched.

The first step is to speed up projects. Dersa is available to create the projects, said Alckmin. The package shall include overpasses, accesses, bridge and road, said Alckmin, without details. Dersa has also offered to SEP the perform studies on the widening of the perimetral avenue on the port’s left margin, in Guarujá. The perimetral construction is being held by the government, since it is inside the organized port.

The conjunctive action was already under tailoring, but it gained priority after this Tuesday’s mega congestion of trucks in the highways that connect São Paulo to the Baixada Santista. The problem was increased by a limitation on the circulation of carts in the regulators depots in Cubatão (State of São Paulo). On Monday night, a decree from Cubatão mayor hall became effective, prohibiting cart regulator depots outside commercial hours.

As a consequence, vehicles were kept parked on Anchieta highway for more than 4 hours, summing 50 km of queues, if added all congested sections.

Alckmin classified the decision from to mayor of Cubatão, Marcia Rosa (PT), as disastrous, since the port has to work 24 hours per day. And revealed that if the decree  were not suspended, as occurred yesterday, the State would begin a legal action that was already prepared by the State General Attorney.

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