Government wants at least one railroad concession in 2013

The Minister of Transport César Borges said on this Monday, October 28, that expects to finish 2013 with the completion of at least one stretch of railroad. According to him, it would be the Center-West Integration Rairoad (Fico), which connects Lucas do Rio Verde (state of Mato Grosso) to Campinorte (state of Goiás), necessary to improve the flow of agricultural production to the ports of the country. We hope to make at least one concession in 2013, he said.

Borges said that companies spend on average 13% of revenues on logistics and, in order to reduce that amount, it is necessary to reduce dependence on road transportation to develop, for example, railroads. Currently we have a monopolistic system of railroads, with an extremely limited pressure of demand and supply, so we are trying to build a system that can develop the railroad system in the country, the minister said during the event Business Leaders Group (Grupo de Líderes Empresariais – Lide), in São Paulo.

He highlighted the infrastructure projects that are being offered to the private sector through federal concessions. According to Borges, there are a variety of projects for the investors of infrastructure industry to choose, perhaps even in a number beyond the capacity of entrepreneurs to embrace all ventures. We have a varied menu of concessions for the infrastructure investors, he said. Maybe even too much, he added.

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Fonte: Agência Estado

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