Railroads plan USD 103,4 million to expedite transportation of crops

Railway concessionaires América Latina Logística (ALL) and MRS plan to invest almost USD 103,4 million to improve the rail network and the transport of the next harvest, as well as other cargo to the Port of Santos. Among the actions planned, we have the expansion of lines, elimination of bottle necks, and renewal of cars. Those are the only companies to provide services to the complex, where the modal share does not exceed 25%.

MRS is preparing to put into operation in the coming months cars type Double Stack Penta – Articulate PRU, which can carry two containers (one over the other) – and therefore have twice the capacity of the usual models. For them to go into operation, the maintenance of the rail tunnel for accessing the Left Bank is already being performed in Conceiçãozinha, Guarujá, part of the line that serves Baixada Santista.

This is considered a large scale work by MRS, and although it is not directly linked to actions to improve the flow of crops, it optimizes the use of trains. Compositions will have a greater capacity for containers, facilitating the removal of such cargoes from roads or other compositions, thus freeing up space on cars and highways for transportation of harvests. The real increase in the system’s capacity, however, was not informed by the company.

Apart from adopting new models of cars, the concessionaire has acquired seven locomotives for the rack system, which are implemented in lines that cross Serra do Mar. The new equipment will extend the annual transportation capacity of the company from 7 million to nearly 30 million tons (a growth of 328%).

The concessionaire also renewed its fleet of hopper cars (for transporting grains). These units have a load capacity 30% higher compared to older models.

In Santos pier, MRS also participates in the implementation of two terminals – one for cellulose on the Right Bank (Santos) and an intermodal facility in the region.


ALL today serves at least 19 terminals for both containers and bulk cargo, on Right and Left banks of the Port. This year, according to the company, new railway lines will be built next to warehouses and switching yards will be extended. The railroad between Itirapina/Boa Vista (Campinas) and Santos – a section 164 miles long – will be duplicated.

According to the concessionaire, with the new line, it will be possible to double the carrying capacity of that path, removing up to 1,500 trucks per day from roads toward the coast. But it is necessary that the destination of such goods also fits. “It is necessary that some terminals invest in modernization and expansion of capacity to allow greater and faster turnovers,” he pointed out in a note.

Despite planned investments, and have been notified several times by Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo (Codesp), ALL is checking how to recover the movement of the railway bridge over Canal de Bertioga. Damaged nearly two years ago after being struck by a lightning, the structure limits and prevents the passage of vessels through that section.

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