The tracing of the southern stretch of the North-South Railway is to be known in the next few days. That’s what a craft forwarded by Valec Engenharia, Construções e Ferrovias S.A. to the deputy Jerônimo Goergen (PP-RS) reveals. After successive delays, the disclosure of the Study of Technical, Economic and Environmental Viability (EVTEA) is expected for the month of June.
With that, it will be possible to know through which cities the railway will cross in the stretch between Panorama (SP) and the port of Rio Grande (RS). “We’ve faced three years of delays since we’ve been able to include the construction in PAC. After all, we now have an immediate deadline. In the next month, we’ll be able to know where will this construction pass through”, highlighted Jerônimo.
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The definition of the southern stretch of the North-South Railway took into account aspects such as the economic demand, the flow of trucks and the soil geography, bearing in mind the lowest logistical transportation cost and an increase in the volume of cargo. The study will sign out the most viable tracing alternative, including the connection branches. Accordingly to Jerônimo, “the study that is being made takes into account three tracing possibilities and in June we’ll be able to know the definition of what there will be in the bidding”, he explained.
Accordingly to aJerônimo’s assessment, the North-South Railway is fundamental for changing the Brazilian logistics, which is strongly dependant on the road transportation. “Especially for the State of Rio Grande do Sul, which has the best ports of the country. Yet, without connection to railways they remain incomplete. Thus, we’ll have a very important reduction in the logistic cost, which will provide to the State a great competitiveness in the national and international context”, he highlighted.
The member of the parliament asked communities to get engaged and to increase their pressure on the government for this deadline to be fulfilled and so that there are no new delays in the tracing definition. He understands that it is necessary to accelerate investments on railways, a way of transportation 40% more economic than the road one. Besides, it is a safer transportation modal that generated great gains for the environment.
Fonte: Rádio Progresso de Ijuí
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