The Investments Director at Funcef, Demósthenes Marques, has said that Invepar is studying the bullet train project that the Government plans to tender at the end of July. According to the executive, if the development is considered feasible, then Invepar shall enter as a strategic partner after the auction, when the winning consortium is already known. The Invitation to Bid for this auction gives us this possibility, of entering after the auction, says the executive who is participating in the event Destaque Agência Estado Projeções.
Invepar is the investment arm of pension funds Funcef, Previ and Petros, and also of the OAS building firm in the segment of road transport and concessions. Despite this institution’s interest in coming in as a strategic partner, Mr. Marques has said that the company has not yet decided on the ideal share participation in the future winning consortium for this development.
There is an upper limit, which is the capacity of Invepar and its partners to invest in the project. In addition, we would have to adapt to the corporate configuration as enforced by the winning consortium, said Mr. Marques, stressing that Invepar has already been carrying out studies on the bullet train project for some time.
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