Metrofor will begin its tests in September

 The South Line of Fortaleza’s Metro should begin its operation, on tests phase, until September 15, between Carlito Benevides station and Aracape. The two first trains, from a 20 train acquirement made from the Italian Ansaldo Breda SPA, will arrive in Ceara by the end of August. The investment made on these trains reaches US$ 137 million.

The estimation, according to the Companhia Cearense de Transportes Metropolitanos, is that until December 31 the testing with the new trains extend to Parangaba station. On the first semester of 2011, the operation will follow to Sao Benedito station. And until the end of the year, the service will be working to Central Xico da Silva station, which means the entire South Line, with its 24 km extension.

The trains work on electric traction, with capacity of transporting 976 passengers (seated and stand) each, with air conditioning, with visual and sound communication, internal and external, to guide the passengers. The train should run at a commercial speed of 60 km/h.

Metrofor will serve the population of the metropolitan region, mainly in the cities of Fortaleza, Caucaia, Maracanau and Pacatuba, where two thirds are concentrated in the demand for public passenger transport in the region. After the establishment of the South Line, the Metrofor, with full integration between transport modes, will be able to carry about 350 000 passengers per day.

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Fonte: Metrofor

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