Freight transportation grows 12,6% in 2004

Railroad freight transportation increased  12,6% in net toine/km in 2004 in comparison to the previous year. The number of accidents was reduced for 11,1% and the investments had a growth of 66,2%, passing from R$ 1,2 billion, in 2003, to R$ 1,9 billion, in 2004, out of which R$ 1,2 billion in rolling stock.

The numbers above belong to the Annual Report of Accompaniment of the Railroads Concessions of 2004, presente Friday 16, by the general director of ANTT, José Alexandre Resende. The sector has improved, said Resende, who foresees similar growth this year and an increase of 20% in 2006.

It is a practicable forecast, since the growth between 2002 and 2003 reached 7,5% and between 2003 and 2004, 9,5%, despite financial and operational difficulties of Brazil Railroads. Overtaken this difficulty, it just will remain, according to Resende, the equation of Ferropar’s problems, which will demand an injection of R$ 50 million.

The freight volume grew 33 million last year — 378 million against 345 million in 2003 —, impelled by the demand of uncommon products on the Brazilian railroads, like milk, poultry and automobile pieces. According to Resende, the greater efficiency in the utilization of the 29,7 thousand km of the Brazilian rail network will allow to raise from 20% to 30% the rail share  in the transport distribution. 

Many investments made last year, according to Resende, are producing effects in this year, with highlight for the acquisition of 5,9 thousand cars and 202 locomotives along 2004. Moreover, the recovery of the network and the investments in communication and signalling improved the capacity and operational safety of the transportation. To all of these reasons, according to general-director of ANTT, should be added the higher credibility and reliability of the freight railroads.

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Fonte: Folha de São Paulo

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