Trains will help to solve bottlenecks

The freight and passengers railroad transportation has entered in a positive expansion wave. Only in São Paulo, Rio and Minas Gerais the volume of investments approaches R$ 15 billion, with almost R$ 8 billion foreseen for this year. The amount includes metro projects, light rails (LRV), urban trains and increase of the freight trains fleet. All this without considering the R$ 34.6 billion High-Speed Train (TAV), still to be put on bid.

The Brazilian movement, keeping the proportions, follows a global trend to rebuild the railroad sector, as it is taking place in the United States, China, India and a few European countries, which included the rail transportation in the investment agenda to smooth the effects of the global crises, started in 2008. Here, one of the main goals is to prepare the country for the World Soccer Cup, in 2014, and the 2016 Olympic Games.

In addition to the metro, governors and mayors elected the LRV and the monorail as options for the urban transportation. The advantage is that, in addition to the lower emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) than the bus, they cost 1/3 of the metro investment. In São Paulo, there are three monorail projects. The higher investments, however, are compromised with the metro expansion.

Another bet of the São Paulo government is to provide to the CPTM lines metro quality, with shorter intervals between trains and a new fleet, says the president of Associação Brasileira da Indústria Ferroviária (Abifer), Vicente Abate. The project is to quadruplicate the network with quality metro, going from 60 km to 240 km.

In Rio, the State government is at an advanced stage to start the works for lines 3 and 4 of the metro, with R$ 3.9 billion investments. Together, they will increase in 36 km the metro network in Rio, says the Transportation Secretariat.

For the professor of Fundação Dom Cabral, Paulo Resende, the resources for the railroad sector are extremely important for the economy and well-being. In addition, in his evaluation, the country needs to accelerate even more the investments. Regarding the passengers transportation, the need for expansion is even higher.

In the freight transportation, the network expansion is directly connected to the increased competitivity. In the Southeast, one of the main projects is the São Paulo Railroad ring, which for four years has been under study by the São Paulo and Federal governments.

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