Oeste-Leste receives 12 proposals; Norte-Sul, 10

Valec received yesterday (23) the proposals for building the stretches of the Oeste-Leste railroad for integration between Ilhéus and Barreiras, in Bahia, and of the Norte-Sul railroad, connecting Ouro Verde, in Goiás, to Estrela do Oeste, in São Paulo.

Ten consortiums presented proposals to build the stretch of 670 km of the Norte-Sul railroad. The work is estimated in R$ 2.2 billion and was divided into five lots.

The lot 1 is comprised of the consortiums Pavotec/Ourivio/Tejofran/Fuad Rassi/Sobrado; Aterpa/Ebate; Torc/Ivaí/Cavan; Estrutural/Acciona; Mendes Junior Trading; Ferrosul (Queiroz Galvão/Camargo Correa); CR Almeida. Lot 2 includes: Pavotec/Ourivio/Tejofran/Fuad Rassi/Sobrado; Egesa/Carioca/Constran; Torc/Ivaí/Cavan; Mendes Junior Trading; SPA/Delta Engenharia; Ferrosul (Queiroz Galvão/Camargo Correa). Lot 3: Pavotec/Ourivio/Tejofran/Fuad Rassi/Sobrado; Egesa/Carioca/Constran; Torc/Ivaí/Cavan; Estrutural/Acciona; SPA/Delta Engenharia; Ferrosul (Queiroz Galvão/Camargo Correa). The lot 4 members are: Pavotec/Ourivio/Tejofran/Fuad Rassi/Sobrado; Egesa/Carioca/Constran; Torc/Ivaí/Cavan; Ferrosul (Queiroz Galvão/Camargo Correa). Finally, the fifth lot is comprised of Pavotec/Ourivio/Tejofran/Fuad Rassi/Sobrado; Egesa/Carioca/Constran; Torc/Ivaí/Cavan; Tiisa Triunfo Iesa Infraestrutura.

On the other hand, 12 consortiums submitted proposals to build the stretch of 1,022 km of the Oeste-Leste integration railroad.

The stretch was divided into seven lots. Lot 1 is comprised of Estrutural/ Acciona; Pavotec/ Ourivio/ Tejofran; SPA/ Delta/ Convap; Andrade Gutierrez/ Barboza Mello/ Serveng; Bahia Fer (Queiroz Galvão/ Camargo Corrêa). Lot 2 has as members Estrutural/ Acciona; Pavotec/ Ourivio/ Tejofran; Andrade Gutierrez/ Barbosa Mello/ Serveng; Bahia Fer (Queiroz Galvão/ Camargo Correa); Galvão/ OAS. Lot 3 includes the consortiums Ferrovias do Brasil (Paulista/ Somague/ Embratec/ Top/ Paviservice); Estrutural/ Acciona; Pavotec/ Ourivio/Tejofran; SPA/ Delta/ Convap; Torc/ Ivai/ Cavan; Galvão/OAS. On its turn, lot 4 has Mendes Junior/ Sanches Tripoloni Fidens; Constran/ Egesa/ Pedrasul/ Estacon/ CMT; Estrutural Acciona; SPA/ Delta/ Convap; Andrade Gutierrez/ Barbosa Mello/ Serveng; Bahia Fer (Queiroz Galvão/ Camargo Corrêa); Galvão/ OAS. Lot 5 includes the consortiums Mendes Junior/ Sanches Tripoloni/ Fidens; Constran/ Egesa/ Pedrasul/ Estacon/ CMT; Estrutural/ Acciona; Pavotec/ Ourivio/ Tejofran; Andrade Gutierrez/ Barbosa Mello/ Serveng; Bahia Fer (Queiroz Galvão/ Camargo Corrêa); Torc/ Ivaí/ Cavan; Galvão/ OAS. Lot 6 includes Constran/ Egesa/ Pedrasul/ Estacon/ CMT; Pavotec/ Ourivio/ Tejofran; Bahia Fer (Queiroz Galvão/ Camargo Corrêa); Torc/ Ivaí/ Cavan. Finally, lot 7 is comprised of Techint Engenharia/ Techint Compañia Técnica; Pavotec/ Ourivio/ Tejofran; Torc/ Ivaí/ Cavan; Oeste-Leste Barreiras (Tiisa/ Cowan/ Almeida Costa/ Trier/ Pelicano).

The cost of the work on the Oeste-Leste stretch is estimated in R$ 4.2 billion. The main product to be transported will be iron ore. Bahia Mineração intends to transport through the railway 19.5 million tons of iron ore from its mine in Caetité (BA) to the shipment terminal of Ponta da Tulha, on the Bahia coast.

The Oeste-Leste railroad will connect Ilhéus (BA) to Figueirópolis (TO), with a connection to the Norte-Sul railroad.

The Norte-Sul railroad was designed to promote national integration, minimizing costs with long-distance transportation and interconnecting the North and Northeast regions to the South and Southeast regions, through its connections to 5,000 km of private railways.

The deadline for appealing both bids will be of five working days.

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