Brado will be the arm of ALL in containers

Willing to attack the area of containers, América Latina Logística (ALL) has created a new company, Brado Logística, and conducted its merger with Standard, a company also headquartered in Curitiba with which it had partnerships in refrigerated cargo. The negotiations lasted 10 months and the partners’ intention is to win, within an undisclosed deadline, half the containers arriving to the ports where ALL operates.

It is the first important step given by Paulo Basílio, which has commanded ALL since September, to explore the business opportunities throughout the company’s network. According to the executive, Brado will be a company independent from ALL and shall receive investments of R$ 1 billion in five years, being R$ 800 million in the purchase of cars and locomotives, R$ 100 million in terminals, and another R$ 100 million in tracks.

The capitalization model is still being studied and may involve both BNDES and the capitals market. The idea is for Brado to become a viable company, explains Basílio, who claims being satisfied with the business designed concluded last night. Before this business, ALL was focused on serving major clients and volumes, with standardized services. Now, the company will also go to retail, serving smaller clients who need complimentary services and that are not being served by railroad.

Brado will be headed by José Luis Demeterco Neto, partner and president of Standard, which operates in São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Created 11 years ago, the company shall profit R$ 130 million in 2010. Demeterco Neto will be responsible for expanding the market share of approximately 1.5% currently owned by ALL in the area of containers. According to the executive, the segment moves over 4 million containers in Brazil and, in the area served by ALL, there are approximately 2.6 million.

The new company created yesterday will operate in the same office that hosted Standard and with the same team, of about 1,000 employees (part of ALL’s team who worked with containers will be transferred to work at Brado). One of the arguments Demeterco Neto will use to win cargo from highways is the decrease in cost, estimated by him in 20% to 25%. Brado’s work starts in the area served by ALL, but can be expanded to other Brazilian regions.

Basílio will head the board of management from Brado. ALL will own 80% of the company, and the partners at Standard (the BRZ fund and the groups Deminvest and Markinvest) got the remaining 20%. BRZ purchased 38% of Standard only one year ago. Demeterco Neto is already used to work in retail in urban transportation to supply stores and is from the family that owned the supermarket chain Mercadorama, sold in 1998 to the group Sonae.

To make the operation with containers feasible and attractive to the customers, ALL plans to use double stack cars, with two floors of containers, in most stretches; near tunnels that lead to ports it will build service terminals, and the cargo will travel in simple cars. “Our operational structure will ensure high competitiveness,” states Basílio. “ALL conducted with Brado a commercial transportation agreement that ensures capacity, competitiveness in costs and differentiated service level to serve the market.”

The president of ALL comments that it is an unprecedented operation at ALL, which in the past purchased companies that were integrated to its structure, such as Delara and Brasil Ferrovias. The trend, now, is to create separate structures to explore new opportunities. The executive said that three products needed to be attracted to the railroad: sugar (for which it created a partnership with Rumo Logística), containers (to which it created Brado), and iron ore, for which it has studied with Vale the best way of transportation from Mato Grosso do Sul.

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