The first PIL’s concession railroad model is launched

The concession model that will be used as the basis for other notices of concession of rail stretches specified in the Investment Program in Logistics was published on August 5 in the Official Gazette. Although intended for the 457.29-km stretch linking the cities of Açailândia (state of Maranhão) the Barcarena (state of Pará) – city that will connect the Port Vila do Conde, in Belém –, the resolution of the National Privatization Council will serve as a starting point for discussions relating to notices to bid and contracts of other stretches of railroads projected in the program.

The latest forecasts of investments to be made in the stretch estimate a value of about $1.32 billion. In total, the program provides $40.04 billion to be invested in more than 10,000 kilometers of railroads. The privatization process will be run by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT – Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres).

The concession will have a term of 35 years, extendable for a further period of 35 years, but only for the purpose of rebuilding the economic and financial balance. The bidding process will be done by public tender, with sealed envelope and without resumption, at the Stock Exchange of São Paulo (BM&F Bovespa).

According to the resolution published today, the bidding will be done with phase inversion, with the opening of the qualification documents only for the first place, which will be the one submitting the lowest evaluated bid – comprising the Basic Rate of Operational Capability Availability and the Basic Rate of Fruition. The notice to bid, yet to be published, will establish the ceiling value for such rates.

The next stretches scheduled to be auctioned are the ones making the connection between the cities of Lucas do Rio Verde (state of Mato Grosso) and Uruaçu (state of Goiás); and Estrela d’Oeste (state of São Paulo) and Maracaju (state of Mato Grosso do Sul).

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