Decree includes 32 railway sections in PND

The government included 32 railway sections in the National Privatization Program (Programa Nacional de Desestatização – PND), in order to grant them to the exploration of the private interest and, thus, enable the necessary investments. Published in the Official Gazette on last Thursday, the decree that formalized the decision was signed on Wednesday by the acting president of the Republic, Michel Temer.

The privatization of the sections was already recommended by the National Privatization Council (CND), in two resolutions published last month.
The National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT) will be responsible for continuing the process, from the studies, projects and surveys approved by the Ministry of Transportation.

Below, there’s a list of sections included in PND.

Railway (EF) – Section (*)
EF 151 – Palmas (State of Tocantins) – Estrela D’Oeste (State of São Paulo)
EF 334 – Ilhéus (State of Bahia)- Alvorada (State of Tocantins)
EF 484 – Maracaju (Mato Grosso do Sul)– Cascavel (State of Paraná)
EF 277 – Cascavel (State of Paraná)– Guarapuava (State of Paraná)
EF 277 – Guarapuava (State of Paraná)– Curitiba (State of Paraná)
EF 354 – Lucas do Rio Verde (State of Mato Grosso) – Uruaçu (State of Goiás)
EF 151 – Estrela D’Oeste (State of São Paulo) – Panorama (State of São Paulo)
EF 267 – Panorama (State of São Paulo) – Maracaju (Mato Grosso do Sul)
EF 484 – Maracaju (Mato Grosso do Sul) – Dourados (Mato Grosso do Sul)
EF 116 – Belo Horizonte (State of Minas Gerais) – Iaçu (State of Bahia)
EF 025 – Iaçu (State of Bahia)- Salvador (State of Bahia)
EF 460 – Nova Iguaçu (State of Rio de Janeiro) – São Bento (Duque de Caxias, State of Rio de Janeiro)
EF 472 – São Bento (Duque de Caxias, State of Rio de Janeiro)– Visconde de Itaboraí (Itaboraí, State of Rio de Janeiro)
EF 103 – Visconde de Itaboraí (Itaboraí,State of Rio de Janeiro) – Vitória (State of Espírito Santo)
EF 354 – Uruaçu (State of Goiás)- Muriaé (State of Minas Gerais)
EF 103 – Nitéroi (State of Rio de Janeiro) – Campos dos Goytacazes (State of Rio de Janeiro)
EF 265 – Mairinque (State of São Paulo) – Junction with EF 116 (State of São Paulo)
EF 116 – Entroncamento com EF 265 (SP) – Pelotas (State of Rio Grande do Sul)
EF 333 – Sorocaba (State of São Paulo) – Curitiba (State of Paraná)
EF 277 – Curitiba (State of Paraná)- Engenheiro Bley (Lapa, State of Paraná)
EF 116 – Eng. Bley (Lapa, State of Paraná) – Esteio (State of Rio Grande do Sul)
EF 116 – Esteio (State of Rio Grande do Sul) – Pelotas (State of Rio Grande do Sul)
EF 293 – Pelotas (State of Rio Grande do Sul) – Rio Grande (State of Rio Grande do Sul)
EF 025 – Feira de Santana (State of Bahia) – Engenheiro Araujo Lima (Camaçari, State of Bahia)
EF 431 – Eng. Araujo Lima (Camaçari, State of Bahia)- Camaçari (State of Bahia)
EF 101 – Camaçari (State of Bahia) – Cabo (Cabo de Santo Agostinho, State of Pernambuco)
EF 416 – Cabo (Cabo de Santo Agostinho, State of Pernambuco) – Suape (Cabo de Santo Agostinho, State of Pernambuco)
EF 277 – Lapa (State of Paraná) – Curitiba (State of Paraná)
EF 277/278 – Curitiba (State of Paraná)- Paranaguá (State of Paraná)
EF 479 – Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (State of São Paulo)
EF 430 – Alagoinhas (State of Bahia) – Campo Formoso (State of Bahia)
EF 116 – Campo Formoso (State of Bahia) – Parnamirim (State of Rio Grande do Norte)

(*) The decree defines the sections, in some cases, only mentioning the names of railway stations, instead of cities. The States and, when omitted by the decree, also the cities where are located the stations mentioned in the official text were inserted by Valor, based on information of the Ministry of Transportation regarding the railway tracks.

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