Dilma announces funds for project of Line 3 of Rio de Janeiro

President Dilma Rousseff announced this Thursday the release of funds for the implementation of Line 3 of metro, which will connect Niterói to São Gonçalo, in Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region. The total estimated cost of the project is $1.09 billion, of which 41% come from the Brazil Federal Budget. The other 59% will come from financing obtained from the state government. The project envisages the construction of a 22-km length monorail system with 14 stations between Praça Arariboia in the city of Niterói, and Guaxindiba in the city of São Gonçalo.

It is expected that the work has two phases. Despite waiting over a decade for the metro, the first phase, linking Barreto to Alcântara, should only come into operation in June 2015. The full stretch, however, is expected for March 2016.

Before speaking, Dilma congratulated the city of São Gonçalo, which completes 123 years, and blew kisses and hearts to the audience. Outside, dozens of people demonstrated demanding investments in health and social care.

“This work will improve the quality of life of 1.8 million people,” said Dilma.

The operation of line 3 will be performed by the private sector. The bidding of works and concession is scheduled for the last quarter of this year. The estimated value of the rate is still being defined, because it depends on the completion of the modeling study of the project, which will be ready on October 15.

In the speech, Dilma said that the federal government will fund a road system and a bike path alongside the monorail, as well as fund 20 kilometers of bus lanes:

“And it will not be just in São Gonçalo. In Duque de Caxias, we will fund one BRT (Gramacho-Imbariê) and one LRV. In Nova Iguaçu, we will fund two bus lanes, among them the continuity of the Light track. And also in the capital, we will put resources for two BRT – Dilma said.

The event took place at the Sports Club Mauá, in São Gonçalo. Outside, a group of ten protesters complained about the prohibition of the use of masks in public acts, approved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio (Alerj) on Tuesday. The activists also defended the end of the secret vote in Congress.

At the ceremony, Governor Sérgio Cabral was booed by public servants of São Gonçalo and neighboring municipalities. The most booed, however, was the former Secretary for Works of São Gonçalo and current state Deputy, Márcio Panisset (PDT Party of Rio de Janeiro). Angered by the boos, Cabral complained to the mayor of São Gonçalo, Neilton Mulim (PR Party of Rio de Janeiro), and asked for more education.

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