Dilma discusses logistics integration with Paraguay

Much of the conversation between President Dilma Rousseff and Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes, at a meeting yesterday at the Palácio do Planalto, had as its subject the logistics integration to enable lower costs for both countries in waterways, railroads and highways.

After the meeting, Rousseff told reporters that she considers very important that both countries have established cooperation in the railroad area, recognizing again the backwardness of the country on investments in this industry. We are making this effort now, at the beginning of the 21st century, said the President to comment on the steps taken by Brazil to build a railroad structure.

I am sure that both to Brazil and Paraguay this effort will not be in vain, because we will build flow channels to the large agro-industrial, and agricultural and livestock production from Paraguay, as well as for the transportation of our production, Rousseff said, highlighting the need for a big boost to border integration.

The meeting of the two presidents ended without signature of acts, despite the statement of the Brazilian president that relations and integration between both countries have a much higher potential than the currently maintained. That absence revealed the political nature of the meeting held at the Palácio do Planalto. In the evaluation of the Brazilian government, the meeting revealed a very clear disposition of Paraguay to resolve the current deadlock, with the country’s return to Mercosur.

Since the ousting of former President Fernando Lugo, in June 2012, Paraguay is suspended from Mercosur. Upon taking office in August, Cartes conditioned the return of the country to the bloc to a solution to the legal issue caused by Venezuela’s entry without the approval of Paraguay.

Yesterday, Dilma said that relations between both countries during this period remained intact. According to the Brazilian president, Paraguay is in the process of returning to Mercosur, it has its time, it is in the process of return. Brazil has an interest in this return, she said.

Cartes, in turn, while thanking the support received by Brazil after his election, said that Paraguay does not want to ask for favors to Brazil, but to sit at the table for negotiation, seeking benefits for both countries. At a time when Paraguay enjoys a credit that yesterday it did not enjoy, Paraguay wants to say to Brazil that we want to sit at the negotiating table, he said, adding that the win-win between the two countries interests to the country.

Rousseff also issued a press release thanking the Paraguayan president by the treatment given to the Brazilian community in that country, commenting that almost 15,000 Brazilians have benefited in the past four years from the migratory regularization program. This is an example that Paraguay shows the world, how to treat immigrants. And Brazil is extremely grateful for this civilized treatment, said the President.

The Brazilian President said she considers very important the participation of Paraguay in the regional bloc and stressed that the ability of Mercosur integration makes the region a much stronger multilateral tissue.

Brazil has an interest in this return. We kept our bilateral relationship intact. There was no consequence, said the president. She also reported having discussed with Cartes initiatives to increase bilateral trade, always in balance.

During the meeting, Dilma received important information about the advanced stage of completion of the works of the transmission line at 500 kW, which will provide more energy from Itaipu to the outskirts of Asunción in Villa Hayes.

According to the President, this work will attract investors to Paraguay and also will contribute to the integration of supply chains between the two countries, allowing Brazil and Paraguay become increasingly integrated and cooperative.

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