Brazilian concessionaires want incentives to renew the fleet

Railway concessionaires want to use the funds they pay to the National Treasure by collection of grants to anticipate the renovation of the fleet, which used to belong to the Federal Railway Network (RFFSA), said to Reuters, on Monday, Rodrigo Vilaça, executive president of the Railway Transporters National Association (ANTF).

According to him, the proposal of the concessionaires will be detailed on Tuesday to the Minister of Transportation César Borges.

Today, of the approximately 103 thousand trailer cars and 3.8 thousand motor cars operated by the railway concessionaires, around 1.6 thousand motor cars and 40 thousand trailer cars are from the former RFFSA, and are about 40 years old.

The companies aim to purchase 600 thousand motor cars and 20 thousand trailer cars from national manufacturers, renovating about half the fleet of the former state-owned company.

What we want is to use the collected money that goes to the Treasure quarterly, and reaches R$ 800 million per year (…) to renovate this fleet, said Vilaça, pointing out that equipment replacement is not an obligation of the companies.

Furthermore, Vilaça stated that, when more railway concessions are over, starting in 2026, such equipment will return to the Government.

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