Faced with the prospect of a new record harvest and without having expanded the logistics infrastructure significantly, the government launched on Wednesday a package of measures to avoid, in 2014, repeating the kilometric queues of trucks seen earlier this year. The main attempt to avoid chaos is a scheduling system that will synchronize the arrival of ships and trucks to harbors, called Portolog.
It will begin to be tested at the Santos harbor in January and should be running in February, when the grain harvest shipping begins. The idea is to prevent the trucks from overloading the Anchieta-Imigrantes system and the city of Santos, explained Chief Minister of the Harbors Department (SEP), Antonio Henrique Silveira. Last year’s situation will not be repeated.
The trucks will be allowed to enter the harbor within a time range established by the port administrator, so it won’t be waiting to unload. To prevent the driver from getting stuck on the road, parking lots will be made available. We will transfer lines to closed, secure environments with infrastructure, Silveira said.
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A similar system is already being used by the Paranaguá (Paraná) harbor. Two Union building sites should be used for that purpose. One, with 180 thousand square meters, is located near Campinas, at kilometer 24 of Anhanguera Road. The other, with 150 thousand square meters, is located in Ribeirão Pires.
The São Paulo Docks Company (Companhia de Docas de São Paulo) also made a public call to any parties interested in providing areas and should make an analysis of the answers tomorrow. There will also be a parking lot in the Baixada Santista, near the harbor, aimed at the trucks that are about to be allowed to enter.
Dredging. Other measures will also help to minimize the delay in the shipment of grains. For this month, SEP foresees the completion of dredging of the access channel to the harbor. Thus, vessels may transit more loaded without the risk of running aground.
The Ministry of Transports, in turn, works to increase the use of railroad to export grain through Santos. According to the minister César Borges, a conduct adjustment term was signed with the concessionaire ALL, who will have to do works to increase the train speed and the transported freight volume, already in 2014. Nowadays, a train takes 80 hours to go from Rondonópolis to the harbor.
Another measure taken was the elimination of a highway/railroad intersection that was a bottleneck in Santos. Flows were separated with the construction of the Conceiçãozinha viaduct, completed in May. Another work ready and that will help relieve the traffic in the harbor area is the reform of Idalino Pinez Street in Guarujá, which is the only access to the harbor’s left margin.
According to the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Andrade, the estimate is that there is an increase of at least 11% in the volume of grain exported in the next harvest. In 2013, 90 million tons were shipped and the expectation for 2014 is to exceed 100 million.
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