Government authorizes studies to the train Brasília-Luziânia

The government authorized today the commencement of technical feasibility studies for the creation of a passenger train between the cities of Brasília (DF) and Luziânia (GO). The study will cover the railway section in EF-050 between Luziânia and Rodoferroviária de Brasília, with an approximate length of 43.5 miles.

The order of service authorized by Sudeco – Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Centro-Oeste (superintendence for Development of the Midwest), an agency under the Ministry of National Integration, provides technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies to be carried out by Vetec Engenharia and Oficina Engenharia Consultores Associados, which will have ten months to complete the study. The financed amount is USD 771.3 thousand.

The work will be performed in two steps. At first, the diagnosis, the characterization of the transport system, and the technical and operational service design will be performed. Subsequently, the survey of environmental interference and listed buildings will be performed. The characterization will contain the analysis of integration between modes and conditions and details of the existing railway infrastructure.

In the second step, a functional project detailing the recommended rail link will be created. Subsequently, environmental evaluations that will also consider the project feasibility, estimates of costs and revenues, as well as deadlines for completion and commencement of works.

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