Porto Alegre’s metro projects deadline is extended to April

In a meeting for discussion and deliberation on Monday (20), a technical committee with members of the city council and the government decided to extend the deadline for delivery of projects for the metro of Porto Alegre to April 10, 2014.

Initially, the delivery should be made on March 12. According to city council, the companies sought to extend the deadline because they need more detailed spreadsheet, calculation of investments for executing the works and costs of operation and maintenance, studies of passenger demand and risk matrix, as well as other items which cover engineering, economic, financial and legal areas.

After that date, the technical committee will evaluate the projects received to subsidize the future Bidding Document and Form of Contract of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), which will decide the winner responsible for the executive design, work, operation, and maintenance of the metro.

According to the city council, the most suitable metro project will be qualified, considering criteria such as lower cost of deployment and operation, durability and reliability, and lower environmental and urban impact of the works.

The project should consider technologies and solutions available in the public transportation market, construction methods, type of train, signaling, safety, accessibility and user information, terminal design, integration of stations with buses and other transportation modes.


The city council investment amounts to USD 58.6 billion, totaling USD 292.2 million in funding for the execution of works, USD 82.5 million for expropriations and USD 211.7 million in 25 installments of USD 8.4 million as consideration of the service during its operation. The state government will make a contribution of USD 457.4 million in funding, the private partner will contribute with USD 551.9 million, and the federal government will provide USD 749.7 million in grants. The total investment of the project is estimated at USD 2 billion for executing the works.

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