Granting arrangements should raise investments

Structural changes and tax adjustments are the conditions cited by awarded executives for resumption of investments. Even considered as “challenging”, 2015 remains at the calendar of important investments for several companies. 

CCR, group of infrastructure concessions is going to invest R$ 5 billion this year, the largest amount paid by the company in 15 years of history. Among the projects which shall receive contributions, are the construction of metro system in Salvador and Lauro de Freitas (BA), the updating of Confins (MG) airport, the implementation of light rail vehicle (RJ) and the duplication of road BR-163, an important agribusiness production flow corridor.  Renato Vale, CEO of the group, says that, in a certain way, the government has started the recovery of the investors’ reliability after the tax adjustments measures announcement.

In his opinion, the government shall open another positive perspective if it enables a new round of infrastructure concessions. “The programs must be attractive, with favorable conditions of financing and economic, financial and environmental feasibility”, says Vale. “I have no doubt that, having these aspects considered, the private sector shall have interest in disputing good projects.”

New concessions are also considered strategic by João Carlos Brega, CEO of Whirlpool. “We hope that the government signalizes that it is going to open concessions, as well as promote auctions of waterways, railroads and airports. Thereby, we shall have a positive medium and long term scenario for investments in infrastructure, which feeds the whole chain.” He also added: “We have followed the long term planning, trusting the country economy. We are alert to the opportunities and we shall keep investing 3% to 4% of the invoicing in innovation, in order to expand our household market share.”

“Votorantim Cimentos (concrete) believes in Brazil and supports the resumption of infrastructure projects. If all the planned investments in infrastructure are implemented, we shall have a very positive impact to the country”, as Votorantim Cimentos global CEO, Walter Dissinger, has affirmed. In his opinion, the perspectives for the second semester are of “quick” resumption of the concessions. Even with the current scenario, Votorantim Cimentos intends to invest R$ 5 billion up to 2018, including five new plants in Brazil, modernization of the existing ones and construction of new plants in foreign countries. “This plan is a continuity of the R$ 10 billion investment executed between 2007 and 2014 which resulted in an expansion of the global production capacity at the order of 51%”.

In the mineral extraction sector, Vale is implementing historical projects. The company is preparing itself for a “further benign cycle”, says Vale CEO, Murilo Ferreira. “We are implementing the largest project of our history, an investment at the order of US$ 19.5 billion to the S11D project construction, in Carajás [PA]. We have just executed four projects in Itabiritos (MG), from which two are under production and the other two are in ramp up”. Vale also finishes, this year, its largest project outside the oil and gas chain in Africa, in Mozambique, rated in US$ 8.4 billion.

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