China began to export coffee to Europe by railroad

The Chinese province of Yunnan began this week to export coffee to Europe by rail, with the departure of the first train heading to the Dutch port of Rotterdam.

The composition  takes 2,050 tons of coffee, and other products, and is expected to reach its destination in 15 days after passing through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany, as indicated by the state agency Xinhua.

This is a new addition to the various trains of goods that unite China with Europe (such as the one who performs the Madrid-Yiwu path), and take less time than shipping (about 30 days to Rotterdam) but on the other hand has less freight capacity than a vessel.

Railroad service between Kunming (capital of Yunnan) and the Dutch city will conduct two round trips per month.

It is planned that this year are exported 24,000 tons of coffee in this way, although the project intends to reach 140,000 tons in 2016 and 300,000 tons in the following year.

Yunnan, a predominantly rural province in southwestern China produces 99% of the coffee grown in this country.

Fonte:  EFE

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