Commerce on AM points to a growth with Transoceânica Railroad in the region

The Transoceânica Railroad project, which will cross the states of Amazonas, Acre, Goiás, Tocantis, Rondônia and Mato Grosso all the way to Peru, was the theme of  a meeting between Rondônia’s governor, Confúcio Moura, the CEO of the Federação do Comércio do Estado do Amazonas (Fecomércio), José Tadros, the CEO of Rede Amazônica, the journalist Phelippe Daou and the director of Amazon Sat TV, Phelippe Daou Jr. The flow of production and the reduction of the freight value resulted by the use of the railroad were some of the benefits pointed out during this Wednesday (1º) afternoon.

Evaluated in R$ 40 billion, the railroad starts in Rio de Janeiro and ends in Peru. Planned with the objective of raising Latin America’s businesses with China, the Transoceânica project should facilitate the access to Brazilian production, mainly soy.

According to the Governor Confúcio Moura, the project enables a large growth in export for the North and Center-West states of Brazil.

This railroad is very interesting to the North Region, especially to the West Amazon. Although it does not go through here, it is also very interesting to Manaus. All the flow of industrialized products from the Zona Franca de Manaus ( Manaus’ Free Zone) is made by planes, which is a very expensive transportation. But, with the railroad, it will be possible to take the goods to any destination, to the center of Brazil, as well as to the exterior, says the governor.
 For the Federação do Comércio do Amazonas (Fecomércio or Amazonas Commerce Federation), the Transoceânica will be fundamental to the developing of states like Roraima, which will be able to flow discharge products to Amazonas.

With all that, we will have a developing country that allows us to be secure that the Amazon will always be ours, and that the system of trading relationships that opens Brazil to the rest of the world will transform us in a developed economy, says Tadros.

Still according to Confúcio Moura, Mato Grosso’s governor, Pedro Taques, should elaborate a plan about the railroad to be presented in a hearing to the CEO Dilma Rouseff.

The next project elaboration steps include socioambiental studies that will be made by the Chinese government with Brazilian delegation, and the preparation of regulating laws in order to accelerate the progress of the project.
The Railroad
At  8 of June 2015, a protocol signaling intentions towards the Transoceânica Railroad construction in the town of Ji-Paraná (RO) was signed by the governor of Mato Grosso, Pedro Taques, Tião Viana from Acre, and Rondônia’s Confúcio Moura.

 The protocol is a result of an strategic partnership firmed between the two countries and the 35 agreements signed by CEO Dilma Rousseff and the prime-minister of China, Li Keqiang. One of them predicts the study of Viability for the installation of the Transoceânica Railroad.

The Railroad has a path estimated in 2 thousand miles of extension and an investment estimated based in the cost of construction and rolling stock of the Brazilian railroads. The estimated value is R$ 40 billion.

The Transoceânica should be constructed at the same time of the BR-364 road and it will be used in the discharging of production destined to the Asian country.

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