Federal Court suspends the permit for doubling of the Carajás Railway

The Federal Court has granted an injunction suspending the permit for the Carajás Railway (EFC) installation, according to information disclosed by the Federal Public Ministry this Monday, the 20th. This measure is resultant from the lawsuit by the ministerial body accusing the company Vale S.A., the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and the National Indian Foundation (Funai) of irregular practices during the licensing process.

According to allegations made by the natives to the ministerial body, administrative acts referring to the duplication of the Carajás Railway (EFC) were being made without the due and legal previous consultation of the natives living in the area, which increases the damage already caused in the region by the railway.

Expert analysis from MPF conducted in 2013 states that, even though legalized, the native lands from the Awá, one of the last native groups to live isolated in the world, are currently raided and threatened by nonindigenous and economic and mining projects.

MPF states that Ibama has issued the installation license in favor of the work even in acknowledgement of the impacts on the native population and without their free and informed consultation. The body accuses Funai of omission by failing to consult the natives and positioning themselves favorably to the project. Vale is accused of inadequate acting by offering, through its employees, goods and products to natives, seeking cooperation to carry out the project.

According to MPF, besides the permit suspension from Ibama regarding the section that has caused damage to natives, the Law has also determined that the stage of previous consultation is required to start. In addition, the company Vale S.A. will not be able to make promises or sent goods to the natives before and during the period of consultation.

The implementation of the Carajás railroad doubling could generate irreversible damage to the environment and the Awá-Guajá culture, states a notice published by the body.

G1 has made contact with Vale consultants, who stated that the company will use the resources and due measures necessary to reestablish the works’ progress. Read the full notice:


Vale has been notified of the decision made by the Eighth Federal Court judge in Maranhão, stating the suspension of the widening works of the sector close to the Native Lands of Caru.

Vale informs that the widening works are being performed inside the area owned by the Carajás Railway and the licensing procedure strictly occurred under applicable law, with authorization from both Ibama and Funai.

Vale will use the resources and due measures necessary to reestablish the works’ progress.

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