Paris promises four new metro lines for 2024 Olympic Games

Paris launched this Tuesday (23) its nomination to host the 2024 Olympic and Para-Olympic Games. The announcement occurred on the headquarter of the French Olympic National Committee  and gathered the city mayor, Anne Hidalgo, Bernard Lapasset, who will be the director of the candidature committee and 150 French Olympic medalist. Lapasset said that Paris-2024 objective will be “innovate, smile, vibrate and win”.

This is the fourth city nomination in 30 years, after the frustrated attempts in 1992, 2008 and 2012. Lapasset, who is the president of the International Rugby Board, said that Paris learned several lessons with the failures of the past and that tries to execute the process “with method and coherence”.
Mayor Anne Hidalgo said that the nomination “has solid foundations”. This time, the project was built with the support of the athletes and less interference from politicians.

President François Hollande, fan of sport and an enthusiast of Paris nomination, declared that the Estate will make every effort to support the sportive endeavor. In an announcement, Hollande promised  that the Parisian nomination “will be exemplary on the environmental, economical and citizen field”. “This is a great project executed for a noble cause, in the name of universal values like equality and fraternity […]. A unique moment for a generation to unite and show the world the best France has to offer”, added.

Developed infrastructure

As assets for the election for host-city for the Olympics, Paris presents the sportive infrastructure already existent, like the Stade de France and the Roland Garros tennis complex, currently in modernization phase. The city will also built four new metro lines and extend two existing lines. According to the City Hall, only the construction of the Olympic Village, a pool and maybe a media center would be necessary.

Another advantage, pointed out by the media, is that the project is extended to cities on the suburbs of Paris. The Olympic Village, for example, would be constructed in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, enabling the improvement of poorer areas of the metropolitan region.


Paris received the Olympic Games for the last time in 1924. Including the already declared contestants – Rome, Boston and Hamburg – Budapest will be the fifth city in the dispute, after the municipal council approved this Tuesday the project which is being defended by the local committee.
The election to choose the host-city for the 2024 Olympic will be in 2017, held in Lima, Peru.

Fonte:  RIF

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