Sorocabana Railroad was inaugurated 140 years ago

For the past 140 years, on July 10, 1875, it was inaugurated the first stretch of Sorocabana Railroad (EFS), which has been one of the main railroads of the country. The tracks stretched from the central region of São Paulo, from Júlio Prestes Station to the São João de Ipanema iron factory, at the time belonging to Sorocaba. That is why the railroad was also called for a period of Sorocabana Company Railroad Ipanema to São Paulo.

The first composition pulled by steam locomotive left the capital at 8:30 am that morning, leading shareholders and guests to Sorocaba station. In the following years, the railroad idealized by Luis Matheus Maylasky, followed towards the west of São Paulo. Freight and passenger cars gave rise towns and cities along the rails.

In 1919, the railroad arrived at Presidente Prudente and in 1922, the tracks touched the Paraná River ravines in Epitácio Pessoa, on the border of São Paulo and Mato Grosso. – today Mato Grosso do Sul. The extension of the track to the Baixada Santista has occurred only in 1937.

The railroad, which in 1892 was fused to Ytuana railroad, became a state railroad in 1905, being integrated into FEPASA – Ferrovias Paulistas SA in 1971. In 1998, the government of São Paulo transferred the state network to the Union, through the Network Federal Railroad. Passenger trains circulated until 1999.

The 140 years of railway, currently a member of the network granted to ALL- America Latina Logística, are the subject of the exhibition “Images of Railroad” with photographs, drawings and paintings that revive the history of Sorocaba. The exhibition has free entrance to the Museum of Railroad Sorocabana in Jardim Maylasky , the center of Sorocaba.

It was also released to remember the date the documentary “A Sorocabana: Ferrovia-Cultura” (Sorocabana: Railroad-Culture, in a free translation) produced by Márcio Schimming Dias Lopes, Rafael Paião and Tauan Fontão, which retrieves cases, rail experiences and stories linked to the railroad. The film, produced with the support of laws of culture incentive, can be seen on social networks on the internet.

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