The govern will invest 790 million of Reais in Metrô-DF


The Federal District Subway Company (Metrô-DF) will receive investments to improve its system. The Brasília government disclosed the measures in order to improve the mobility on the capital city. Among the strategies, there are expansion projects for the subway and the opening of the light rail transit (VLT). Scheduled to be completed in two years, the licensing procedure of some of these actions will start in August of this year.

According to GDF, there will be 14 biddings for the construction of five stations and system modernization, with improvement of power network, telecommunication, circuit signaling, among others. These measures will cost approximately 795 million of Reais. The most part, 629 million of Reais, is from the federal government through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). DF will invest around 160 million of Reais – 126 million more than the resources from the Union and 40 million for competition to hire a service company for the duration of works.

The first public purchase, in a trading session, will be used to acquire around 200 new radios for the Federal District Subway Company (Metrô-DF), costing around 14 million of Reais. More modern equipment, with digital technology, will replace obsolete models.
Five new stations

For the construction of five new subway stations there will be, at first, three biddings. The first, scheduled for September this year, will be destined for two stations in Samambaia. The others, for two stations in Ceilândia and one in Asa Norte, must be done until 2016. Samambaia has been prioritized due to the high complexity of the others. The sections on that region, featuring an investment of approximately 127 million of Reais, also concerns the work necessary for the subway expansion, like overpasses. The two new platforms will be located at blocks 111 and 117. A similar procedure will happen in Ceilândia, on EQNOs 1/3 and 9/11, and EQNOs 5/7 and 13/15. With this addition, the most populous administrative region of Brasília will have seven stations.

These five new subway stations are part of the work plan announced by the governor Rodrigo Rollemberg on Thursday, the 16th.

Light rail transit

Between September and October this year, the government will also launch a bidding for the implementation project study regarding light rail transit (VLT) in two areas of Brasília: one out of the railroad and following to the end of the Esplanade, and other from the bus terminal of Asa Sul to the one on Asa Norte. According to Dourado, the company also intends to hire another analysis for a third VLT, at Sol Nascente, connecting the Hélio Prates Avenue with Praça do Relógio.

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