The Ministry of Transports presents concessions scheduled for Pará State

According Antonio Carlos Rodrigues, the inclusion of Pará State in the PIL aims to develop regional logistics. “Every passing year the State demand increases, which requires an integrate infrastructure to ensure the flow of local and national production”, said the Minister.

The new stage of PIL released on the ninth day of this month moved ahead the process of the country’s transport infrastructure modernization.  The Minister emphasized that the PIL will contemplate priority buildings in the State, bringing benefits for agricultural production in the region, linking all modes. “Here, highways, railways and the coasting transportation will work together to develop the country”, he concluded.

BR 163 – The railway construction planned to PIL for the Pará State is the concession of the stretch of BR 163/MT/PA highway that runs from Itaituba in Pará State to Sinop in Mato Grosso State. The 973 kilometers stretch will increase the flow of grain from the Arco Norte ports.  Were planned an R$ 6,6 billion investment from private enterprise. The auction for the concession is planned for this year.

With regard to railways, PIL includes Ferrovia Norte-Sul, between Barcarena, in Pará State, and Açailândia, in Maranhão State. This stretch is in the lot which will be conceded, which includes another stretch of the Ferrovia Norte-Sul, Between Anápolis (GO) and Palmas (TO).  Investments for the lot, wich has a length of 1.430 km, will be R$ 7,8 billion. The project will also boost the flow of grain and other products of the North Brazil outwards. The Railway stretch  between Lucas do Rio Verde, in Mato Grosso State, and Mirituba, in Pará State, is also in the concession project announced by the government. With 1.140 km, the railway stretch will grant the flow of agricultural production of the Central-West region through the Tapajós waterway.

Fonte:  Ministry of Transports

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