Government closes down the company which manages the Port of Manaus

Despite of the good time for the country’s ports, the government has decided to close the State Maranhão Dock Company (Codomar), responsible for the Port of Manaus management. Last week, the Ministry of Transport included the company on the National Privatization Council (CND), a bureaucratic step to liquidate the company with social capital of BRL 191 million.

The government announced two years ago that it would renovate the state company which would have a new name: Empresa Brasileira de Hidrovias. Last Friday, though notification, the ministry informed that the decision to close Codomar is a result of administrative reorganization of the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (Dnit), which had concluded that the activities of the company should be closed due to the incorporation of its attributions by Dnit.

“The process is part of the federal government goals to reduce costs and adaptation to a new model of administrative management”, says the notification.

According to minister Hélder Barbalho, the Special Secretariat of Ports (SEP) is going to incorporate Port of Manaus, opening bidding procedures of available areas for expansions and receiving proposals of interest manifests for new terminals.

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