After one year and a half, North-South stretch receives cargo

The North-South Railway will receive its first freight train with soy transport since it had its new stretch to Anápolis (GO) inaugurated by President Dilma Rousseff, a year and a half ago. On Friday, 5,100 tons of soybean meal were shipped in 60 wagons of VLI logistics company. The loading was done by a granary from Granol company, which is a structure used to transport grain from the warehouse to the wagons.

Starting from Anápolis, a city 60 kilometers from Goiânia, cargo will continue to the Port of Itaqui in Maranhão, in a journey of 2300 km to be covered in four days. It will be the first time that freight will cover the entire route of the rail network.

Operation control of the stretch between Anápolis and Porto Nacional (TO) will be conducted by state company Valec. Then, the logistics passes into the hands of VLI between Porto Nacional and Açailândia, where finally the railway will access the Carajás Railway, of Vale, arriving at the Port of Itaqui.

The train left Annapolis on Saturday night. It will be a four-day trip, an average speed of 40 km/h. Each wagon loaded with soybean meal means three fewer trucks on the roads. The operation will work as a trial of the network. In the coming days, other trains will be loaded to transport a total of 27,000 tons of soybean meal.

Ready for use, the 855 km stretch of North-South between Anápolis and Porto Nacional is not in effective use due to uncertainties on the railway model of commercial exploitation and granting.

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