Two groups dispute Train of Guarulhos

On last Friday (27/04), STM (Secretary State of the Metropolitan Transports) opened in public session, the proposals containing the Technical, Economical and Financial studies of the PPP Project of the Train of Guarulhos and of the Expresso Aeroporto. The Commission instituted by the Resolution STM 53/2006, responsible for the evaluation of the contents, received two envelopes in the Room of Auctions of CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos), company that will play the partnership with the private initiative.

There are two groups: the consortium Expresso Guarulhos, formed by the Encalço Construções Ltda and Engevix Engineer S/A, both from São Paulo; the Spanish Isolux Corsan Concesiones S/A and Construcciones Y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles S/A, from Madri; besides the Italian Guella S.p.A, from Rome.

The other consortium New Metropolis includes four companies, all from São Paulo. They are: Assman Business Consultancy; Valente, Valente Arquitetos; Enescil Engenharia e Projetos Ltda; and Uete Engenharia Ltda.

For the Coordinator of Planning and Administration of STM, Renato Viegas, who is also responsible for the Commission of Reception and Evaluation of the Proposals, the presentation of the two complete studies was enough, once they will join the reference project developed by CPTM, for the elaboration of the definitive announcement.

After the analysis of the studies and the definition of the guidelines of that PPP, CPTM will accomplish the Public Audiences and prepare the auction announcement, with publication forecast on this year. The signature of the contract is foreseen to happen in 2008 and the beginning of the operation should happen up to 2010.

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Fonte: Folha de São Paulo

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