Alstom opens new plant in Brazil

Alstom, world-wide leader in energy and transport, inaugurated, in  September 11, its new complex in Brazil. It is called  Bandeirantes Unit, located in Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo. The new facility will employ about a thousand collaborators in 14 thousand square meters, congregating in one place the non manufacturing activities of Generation of Energy, Ambient Control, Services and Railroad Transport. In the same environment are located the platforms of software development for railroad signalling and supervision and control of power plant.

With the new plant the company integrates the sectors of energy and transport and the administrative areas, keeping the plants at Lapa, also in São Paulo, where the metro coaches are produced, beyond the activities of services for the railroad area, and the unit of Taubaté, where turbines, generators and other equipment directed toward the energy area are manufactured.

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Fonte: Folha de São Paulo

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