2007 will be marked as the year of the retaking of mass transit investments in Brazil. According to a Revista Ferroviária survey, this year the mass transit operating companies will invest US 1.8 billion, more than the double (137%) of what was invested last year. For comparison, the growth of 2006 in relation to 2005 was of 21%.
The largest investors will continue to be the São Paulo Metro and CPTM, in both cases mainly for acquisition and refurbishment of EMUs. However, the strongest growth will be in Metrorec (the Recife Metro) that, with help of the federal Growth Acceleration Program, intends to invest this year 500% the more than last year. Trensurb (Porto Alegre Metro) foresees a growth of 219% in investments, the Metrô Rio 168% and the Salvador Metro 128%.
In freight the tendency of strong growth will continue as along the last 10 years, since the concessioning. The forecast is of an investment growth of 52%, totaling US 1.2 billion, nevertheless inferior to the US 1.8 billion of the passengers operators. The largest individual investor will be MRS RR, mainly due to the reform of her signalling system: US 539 million. The figure for CVRD is bigger, but the mining company doesn´t disaggregate the data of the three railroads that it controls (EFVM, EFC and FCA RRs) nor it separates investment railroads from investment in ports.
- Investimentos, projetos e desafios da CCR na mobilidade urbana
- O projeto de renovação de 560 km de vias da MRS
- Da expansão da Malha Norte às obras na Malha Paulista: os projetos da Rumo no setor ferroviário
- TIC Trens: o sonho começa a virar realidade
- SP nos Trilhos: os projetos ferroviários na carteira do estado
Rail Investiments 2006/2007 (in US millions) | |||
NA: not available |
ALL | 2006 | 2007 | Variation |
Rolling Stock | 35.8 | NA | NA |
Track/Civil Works | 28.2 | NA | NA |
Systems | NA | NA |
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