To example of what happens with the purchase of the tornado for the Brazilian Air force, the Federal Government intends to include the technology transfer among the criteria adopted also for the choice of the company that will develop the high-speed train that will interconnect Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Campinas.
“Without any doubt, the technology transfer is an aspect considered relevant for the government also in that process licitatório”, it explained today (30), to the Agência Brasil, the executive secretary of the Transports Ministry, Paulo Sérgio Passos, after participating in the Rail Seminar, accomplished in the Camera of the Deputies.
“The one that we will do is to establish a group of requirements and of demands in what concerns that point. Who assists it is inside. Who doesn’t assist it is out. Without a doubt, that project will result in the up-to-the-minute technology absorption for the Brazilian industries”, it increased.
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According to the secretary, the government already concluded all of the demand studies, of plan engineering, besides the operational studies and the related to the costs of the investment, economical and financial modelling of the project. “In the moment, we are concluding the rough draft of the announcement and of the contract”, it informed Passos.
We “want in December of this year to put the auction in the street, in such a way that, in the first quarter of 2010, let us know who is the winner”, it completed the secretary. The itinerary of the high-speed train will have 510 kilometers. Of these, 90,9 kilometers will be in tunnel (18%), 107,8 in bridges (21%) and 312,1 (61%) in surfaces. The cost foreseen for the work is of R$ 34,626 billion.
“The government works with a five year-old horizon so that the project is executed and ended, but it is obvious that each bidder has his/her evaluation, their studies and his/her plan of attack of the works. Therefore, evidently, we will await what they will present”, it informed Passos.
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