Brazil can have three new TAV projects

The Transportation Ministry, Paulo Passos, said this Monday that the technology transfer would be the main criterion for the evaluation of the proposals from international consortiums for the construction of the high-speed train (TAV) between Rio and São Paulo. In Berlin to expose the project in the largest trade show of railway transportation of the world, Inno Trans, which starts this Tuesday, Passos said that by absorbing the high-speed train technology Brazil could perform three new projects, with date still not defined, between São Paulo and Curitiba, Campinas and Belo Horizonte, and between Campinas and Triângulo Mineiro.

– We are not going to do it immediately, but we are going top carry put feasibility studies – advanced the ministry.

According to Paulo Passos, these plans are long-term and do not depend on the candidate who will win the October election for president. The plan would be independent from the government. Brazil will not only order, but will learn to do and acquire a technology that can drive several industry sectors.

The feasibility studies project for the first Brazilian TAV took much longer than expected. The previous plans were that the high-speed connection between the two largest Brazilian cities was ready for the 2014 World Cup. But, as a consequence of the long feasibility study, which had the participation of several ministries and, finally, the TCU (Union’s Accounts Court), the bid opening took place much later.

The calculations are that the project, with investments of approximately R$ 34 billions, will be concluded in approximately five years.

– It might be a little earlier, but this will depend on the proposals presented – said Paulo Passos, reminding that up until now there is no preference for any country.

The international consortiums may present their proposals until the end of November, and in December 16 of this year, the public bid winner will be announced.

According to Paulo Passos, the interest of the large international companies is huge. As soon as the presence of the Brazilian delegation at Innotrans was announced, tons of invitations from politicians and corporate groups for meetings in Berlin came in. This Wednesday, he will have a meeting with the Germany Transportations Ministry, Peter Ramsauer.

South Korea, Japan, France and Germany Consortiums already announced that they will present a proposal for the project. In addition, a Chinese group is studying the feasibility and a Spanish consortium is in the decision process.

The investment plans in the railway industry will be the theme of the Brazilian delegation exhibit (which is also comprised by the transportation vice-ministry, Marcelo Perrupato, Hélio França, from the Brazilian Agency of Ground Transportation, ANTT, and Adely Branquinho, from BNDS) at Inno Trans this Tuesday and Wednesday.

– With a growth forecast of 7% to 8%, Brazil became an even greater target of the world’s interest – concluded Paulo Passos.

An optimism of an overcame crisis can be seen at the Exhibitions Park in Berlin, where the number of participants increased in 330 compared to last year. More than 2,200 exhibitors from 45 will show the news of the railway transportation industry.

At the trade show, which ends this Friday, the technological novelties will be presented for the high-speed trains, a transportation that in Europe is an alternative to the airplane.

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