Companies in at least seven countries attended this Tuesday’s meeting for clarification of potential interested parties in the HSR (High Speed Rail) project between Rio, São Paulo and Campinas, conducted by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT – Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres) on the BM&FBovespa.
Among those present were representatives linked to companies from South Korea, Spain, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada and France, who circulated the halls of the Bovespa in small groups.
After presenting the HSR project, representatives of ANTT answered questions from interested parties.
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Among the companies that have made inquiries were Italy’s Ferrovia Dello Stato; Spain’s Talgo; Canada’s Bombardier; and Japan’s Mitsui.
Most of the doubts were of technical content and also discussed the funding. Bombardier questioned, for example, if there will be radio bands concurring with the one that will be used by the communication system of the HSR.
ANTT said it will study the topic in the making of the executive project. The representative of the Brazilian Development Bank (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES) confirmed that the institution will finance all the equipment and services for the project installation.
The second meeting for clarifications is scheduled for March 19, also at BM&FBovespa. The meetings are part of the clarification phase on the project rules and procedures.
Those interested in the HSR may contact them via electronic form by April 16. The submission of proposals of the interested companies is scheduled for August 13, and the auction for September 19.
The approval of the result, according to the notice to bid, should occur on November 20, and the signing of the contract on February 27, 2014.
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