Corcovado train: bidding invitation is published with 2 months delay

With delay of two months, the new bidding invitation for the granting of Corcovado small train will be finally published in Diário Oficial da União today. The document, the base of the new system bidding, scheduled to occur on October 20, provides that the new concessionaire must invest about $ 35,688,792.00 in works in stations and on equipment modernization until 2018. The operator also will be required to hire at least 30% of employees in the surrounding communities and create programs to train manpower to work in tourism.

The last months were marked by a fistfight between conservationists who advocate the generation of employment and income in the Tijuca National Park-where the Estrada de Ferro Corcovado will pass-, and the so-called conservationists, who believe that the visitation causes harmful impacts to the environment and, therefore, should not be encouraged. After trimmed the edges, the bidding invitation was finalized. This will be the first bid of trains, whose operation is the responsibility of the company Estrada de Ferro Corcovado (Esfeco) Administração Ltda since 1984.

– Many companies searched us, participated in the hearings. But we still don’t know how many actually will participate in the bidding. Let’s wait. The bidding opens space for new investments-said the head of the Tijuca National Park, Ernesto Viveiros de Castro, adding that there is no fare increase ($ 22.31 today, including train travel and access to the Park).

The bidding, on October 20, is set for 10AM, in the Auditorium of the Regional Coordination of the ICMBio, at Estrada Velha da Tijuca 77, Usina.

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