Randon Implementos and Participações signed the sale of 300 rail cars for the transport of grains with Mitsui Rail Capital Participações, company of the Japanese group Mitsui & Co Ltd.
The value of the business is approximately R$ 55 million. The deliveries will be made in lots, starting from December, and the largest concentration will be in the first quarter of 2010.
In agreement with official report published by the company, the equipments will be leased for use of Multigrain in the Centro-Atlântica RR network, a Vale concession.
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Randon noticed it treats of the first sale destined for Vale strech, what puts the company as the largest buyers’ of rail equipments of the country supplier.
Randon will be exposing at the Feira Negócios nos Trilho of this year, that it will be accomplished between the 10 and November 12, in Expo Center Norte – red pavilion, in São Paulo. The event is accomplished by the Revista Ferroviária and it is consolidated as the largest rail exhibition of Latin America.
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