The Federal Government is investing US$25.41 billion in 4.6 thousand kilometers of railroads up to 2014 via PAC 2 (Growth Acceleration Program 2), informed President Dilma Rousseff through the column Conversa com a Presidenta published today (3). According to her, there are 3.4 thousand kilometers of railroads under construction.
“After privatized in the 90’s, railroads did not receive any investments from the Federal Government for a long time. This reality changed during the President Lula’s government, when the industry started to be treated as a strategic one for the country’s development, and it is part of the Government’s investment agenda again”, the President explained to José Carlos Nunes, driver, from Montenegro (state of Rio Grande do Sul).
Besides the improvements on North-South, Transnordestina and East-West railroads, the Government started to invest “hardly” in public transportation of the cities together with states and municipalities. According to the President Dilma, US$9.98 billion was given to attend the 24 biggest cities of the country regarding transportation projects, including metros.
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“There are a lot of things to be done yet, but we are focused on moving forward”, she said.
The president also explained to Sandro Barbosa Junqueira, sociologist, from Salvador (state of Bahia) that, by means of the Education Strategic Plan, the government is planning to implement the Brasil Alfabetizado (Brazil Literate) program in the penitentiary system. More than 26 criminals who stated to be illiterate shall be benefited from the program. In July 2010, prison population was about 514 thousand people, being 65% of people that did not complete elementary school.
“One thing more serious than that it is that only 9.35% of these people are involved in educational activities”, lamented the President, emphasizing that the education right for these citizens is covered by the Penal Execution Law, the National Education Plan and the resolutions of the National Council of Criminal and Penitentiary Policy and the National Education Council.
Another topic discussed in the column by President Dilma it was the consumption of pesticide-free produce. When asked about it by Carine Bastos de Andrade, retired, from Maringá (state of Paraná), the president stated that the Federal Government has some policies for encourage the production and consumption of healthy food. Pró-Orgânico (Pro-Organic), developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, encourages the producers to change to organic production systems by means of projects that make feasible both inputs and adequate technologies.
Another action stressed by the President is the inclusion of organic produce in the Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA – Food Acquiring Program), developed by the Ministry of Agrarian Development and in the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE – National School Lunch Program) of the Ministry of Education.
“The Government itself buys pesticide-free produce from producers. We have Pronaf Agroecologia, with a credit line for the family producer who wants to invest in this segment. We also made the Semana do Alimento Orgânico campaign (Organic Food Week) in several states, informing on environmental and nutritional benefits this kind of food brings us. The result of all these actions is the consumption rate increase of pesticide-free produce in about 20% at each year.”
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