SP Metro expands line and fleet

The Governor of São Paulo, José Serra, announced a new expansion phase of the São Paulo Metro lines, with extension of Line 2 – Green Line – up to Vila Prudente. The extension will connect Ana Rosa Station to six other stations: Chácara Klabin, Imigrantes, Alto do Ipiranga, Sacomã, Tamanduateí and Vila Prudente. Metro´s expectation is to raise the number of passengers transported by the line from the present 280,000 to 774,000 per day. To handle the increase of demand in the entire extension, not only of the Green Line as well as of the others comprising the integrated system, the Metropolitan Transports Secretariat intends to purchase 87 new EMUs by 2010. This includes 47 EMUs for the Metrô and 40 for Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM). The tender is being issued and the expectation is that Serra will announce the suppliers soon. Presently, Metro has 117 trains. The extension of Line 2 is estimated to cost about US$ 700 million.

Presently, the interval between trains during peak hours is 108 seconds, peaking about 50,000 passengers per hour on the Blue Line (Jabaquara/Tucuruvi), and 100 seconds on Line 3 – Red Line – (Itaquera/Barra Funda) that records 54,000 passengers per hour at peak hours. The objective is to reduce the interval to 88 seconds on the Blue Line and 74 seconds on the Red Line. This decrease would boost transport capacity to 62,000 passengers per hour in rush hours on the Blue and 73,000 passengers per hour during rush hours on the Red Line, according to studies by the Secretariat.

The section between the stations Chácara Klabin, Imigrantes and Alto do Ipiranga is 3.4 km long. The first two were already delivered. The Alto do Ipiranga Station delivery is scheduled for the end of the first half of this year. The second stage of the Green Line is the construction of the remaining 3.4 km and the Sacomã and Tamanduateí stations. The extension to be announced by Serra will proceed up to Vila Prudente.

The expansion of the Metrô system in the capital also includes the replacement of the safety signaling of the Blue and Red Lines, besides construction of 30 bicycle parking lots in the stations in the existent extensions and the creation of museums inside the stations that display the history of São Paulo.

Low lands

The plans of the Secretariat for the coming years include the beginning of the implanting of the Integrated Metropolitan System (SIM) in the Low Lands of Santos. According to the Metropolitan Transport secretary, José Luís Portella, the new system will use the right-of-way of the old Intra-Metropolitan Train (TIM), between São Vicente and Santos, and will replace the project of the Light Rail Vehicle, due to the greater flexibility of the technology using tires and smaller implanting and operation cost. This will reformulate the entire transport of Santos, Portella said. The cost foreseen for the project, to be implanted with the help of public-private partnerships (PPPs) and townships of the Baixada Santista is about R$ 700 million (approximately US$ 350 million).

The functional proposal was already presented to the municipality of São Vicente and is in the final phase of adjustment with the Township of Santos. The next stage foresees the bid process for the executive projects and the construction works.

There will also be a section that will use Light Vehicle on Tires, alongside the railway axis that will link Esplanada dos Barreiros, in São Vicente, and will end in the Valongo neighborhood, in Santos. The implanting is planned for four integration terminals and transfer stations in São Vicente and Santos that will allow the integration with the transport system of Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruíbe.

Trunk lines are foreseen (of greater passenger demand) in the direction to the central area, beaches and hospitals of Santos, operation of supplemental lines that will link Santos and São Vicente to the remain

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Fonte: O Estado de S. Paulo

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